Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Jinnikins Jeans Formative Assignment Essay

The Assignment will be arranged in a business report format in regards to the evaluation of provided voice level for the staff at Jinnikins Jeans. This report will be in a very brief and efficient frame. The Jinnikins Jeans evaluation will take place by using relevant theories and models that is being covered in the lectures as well as some independent research. This will be in the form of books, journals, and some online sources in order to support the theories. I intend to open this report with clarifying how important it is for employees to have a voice in organization in general as well as stressing the fact that how maintaining a good level of voice within the organization can influence positively for the employees and could lead to growth of the company. The next step would be a brief overview of the Jinnikins Jeans case study and discuss how much they are maintaining the level of voice for employees in their business. Despite the fact that At Jinnikins Jeans the two brothers are making the main decisions, the commitment cycle model has been chosen. Because it allows to assess the impact of employees freedom voice range to the overall company’s success by using its 5 parts in the cycle. The next step of this report will focuses in more details on the motivational aspect of the employees in Jennekins base on the fact that George and Trevor are the only one who is making the decisions at the company by using two different theories as they will allow different ways of evaluation to the topic. This will encompass Hertzberg analysis and Vroom expectancy theory. Vroom expectancy theory has been chosen as it allows to discuss about the requirement of completion of 3 elements of motivational forces in relation to give voice to the employees at jinnikins. The report will argue about the fact how the brothers can understand employees interests when they are not giving enough voice to them in order to relate their interest to their final out come of their performance results and keeping them motivated. The Hertzberg analysis has been chosen as it makes it possible to analyse how the brothers reward method in order to motivate their employees really affect to their motivational level. Furthermore, The report will evaluate how giving the voice to employees in Jinnikins Jeans has effected to the overall performance and their motivation by counting in using Hertzberg theory. Throughout the report, references of academic books will be present. These will include the core and recommended references provided in the module guide. Furthermore, journal article will act as vital point of reference in order to evaluate Jinnikins Jeans in more details. The report will be referenced using Harvard style.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Dissertation Conclusion Example

How to write a conclusion for dissertationDissertation ConclusionTo write a good conclusion you need to go back to your dissertation title and your Introduction. What you do in this section is to summarize what can now be stated about the title. This should be a brief paragraph, or simply a sentence or two. You have to join the beginning with the conclusion as you do in an essay. You can almost breathe a sigh of relief as the dissertation is nearly finished. However you may need to add a â€Å"Recommendations† section in your conclusion if there isn’t one. If you recall all the other research articles you have read, they usually end in a call for more research. You have to state how your research has filled a gap in the body of research that has come before it and state what unanswered questions there are which arise from your research. These might form the basis for further research on your part in a PhD programme, or they might inspire other post-graduate students to take up where your research has left off. Perhaps your research leads you to ask new questions which deserve to be answered by researchers in the future. You pose those questions here for others to try to answer in their research. Just because your dissertation is at an end does not mean that it has fulfilled its purpose or that there is nothing new to research in the field. Be imaginative as well as objective. What further research could be done in this areaThis is not to cast doubt on your research, but rather to show yourself as an objective expert, who can ask pertinent questions which are still left to be answered in your field. The end may be just the beginning for your career as an academic researcher. You may want to follow up on your research or you may feel proud that you have paved the way for others to follow. Summary Reviewer John – our site Admin Review Date 2017-08-18 Reviewed Item Dissertation Conclusion Example Author Rating 5

Being and Becoming: Becoming by Being Essay

Pre-Socratic era was marked by periods from Thales of Miletus until that period when Socrates philosophy was yet to be born.   It was during this period when the fundamentals of science (both natural and social were being founded using scientific research and inquiry, and where philosophy and practical science were still married.   Sophos tried to understand and explain the origin, nature, elements, development and workings of the universe by way of argumentative reasoning, critical inquiry and justifications. Pre-Socratic philosophy was mainly characterized by its elements such as essence, change/absolute, harmony and its effort to understand the essential substance of a thing that caused its existence and the dynamic movement it undergoes (changes) to be known as what it is today.   Among the famous thinkers of this period were Thales, Heraclitus, Anaxagoras, Empedocles, Democritus and Parmenides. Whereas pre-Socratic philosophers have had formulated a common line of thought, disparity was inevitable.   Among the arguments that showed differences of the philosophy of that period was Parmenides’ theory of Being and Heraclitus’ theory of Becoming.   Heraclitus argued that the existence of everything was brought about by nothing and that it continuously exists through constant change or by undergoing a dynamic transformation.   What is more striking about the concept of change for Heraclitus is the concept of change within. According to him, it is that contradiction of elements/substance within the object that caused it to transform and that to cause its change, an external intervening need not to be imposed.   Accordingly, for Heraclitus, the world is a continuous struggle and strife, hence it needs change. In contrast, while the internal aspect of an existing element undergoes alterations, the process by which an element transforms is ever constant. Through the understanding of the nature of an element, Heraclitus recognized that the fixed states of being are all part of the varied state of perpetual becoming1.   In humans, the processes of giving birth, living, dying and rebirth are all changes that a person passes through.   However, such pattern is a never-ending cycle, after all.   What will â€Å"become† of a matter is a product of the dynamic development it subjects itself through a never ceasing rhythm. Contrary to Heraclitus’, while Parmenides likewise argued that an object exists because it does exist (that no other factor that may explain the causality of its existence), he failed to recognize if it ever underwent an evolutionary state, thus making it the â€Å"being† as it is today.   Because Parmenides believed – and apparently refuted Heraclitus – that the universe was already at the state of stability, why should it be basking on the process of modification? Everything is what it is because it is what it is and it cannot become what it is not. Both arguments are of much interest specifically in understanding how do we â€Å"become† or what make us came to â€Å"being†.   Later on during Plato’s time, both arguments could be reconciled by proposing that, what might â€Å"become† is caused by a â€Å"being†. However, unlike the foregoing arguments of Heraclitus’ and Parmenides, it is apparent that the reconciliation of the arguments were based on the thought that, indeed, there is a â€Å"first cause† that is never changing but rather causes the â€Å"second being† to become what it is today.   Note that both the initially mentioned thinkers do not believe on something that might have caused on object to exist. What could be more difficult in the understanding of this discourse is the process of analyzing concepts that flourished centuries apart and merging them into one critical explanation such that conflict resolution could be gained. References: __________. Philosophy Pages. In Britannica Internet Guide Selection. Retrieved April 11, 2008, from __________. (April 16, 2002). Pre-Socratic Era. Posted to Ballantyne, Paul F., Ph.D. History and Theory of Psychology: An Early 21st Century Student’s Perspective. (2008). Retrieved April 10, 2008, from Goodman, Len E. (1992). Avicenna:Arabic Thought and Culture (pp 53-54). Routledge. Retrieved April 12, 2008, from,M1 Rose, Jake. Being and Becoming. In Ezine Articles. Retrieved April 11, 2008, from   

Monday, July 29, 2019

Analysis of The Legal Profession Research Paper

Analysis of The Legal Profession - Research Paper Example Several factors have to lead to these changes including debates on whether the legal profession has become more inclined on the commercialism aspect, rather than professionalism. According to Richard Susskind’s article ‘Legal profession is on the brink of fundamental change’, he views that: â€Å"The challenge is not to assess how commoditization and IT might threaten the current work of lawyers so that the traditional ways can be protected and changed avoided. It is to find and embrace better, quicker, less costly, more convenient and publicly valued ways of working.’2 In discussing commercialism, one view is: What was remarkable this time was that the leadership of the organized bar made commercialism a central concern of its rhetoric about declining professionalism and that the resulting crusade struck such a responsive chord among the bar as a whole. ‘In the past, progressive jurists and liberal law professors have chastised the bar for becoming more of a business than a learned, public-oriented profession, and leaders of the bar have sometimes pointed out that a few lawyers (â€Å"ambulance chasers†) have succumbed to the profit motive.’3 However, despite this negative perception of the legal profession, many young students are drawn to the profession of traditional lawyering because of the prestige and honor attributed to full-fledged lawyers, knowing that they can serve the community and the country for humanitarian causes. II. Duties and Responsibilities The legal profession covers several responsibilities for the practicing or supervising lawyer, paralegals, legal assistants or law students. The legal profession is considered teamwork composed of lawyers, paralegals, legal researchers, and the legal staff. In order for a law firm to succeed in every case assigned to it, their lawyers must be able to present well- researched and valid defenses in asserting their claims during the trial proper or when filin g complaints. The secret to winning in the legal battlefield requires tedious concentration by putting time and effort in the rigorous work of research, interviews, and gathering of evidence. These tasks cannot be delegated to the lawyer alone. An attorney needs all the help he can get from paralegals and legal assistants working with him to build up the pieces of evidence needed for every case. It is expected the lawyers delegate some of their responsibilities to a paralegal or legal assistant in order to concentrate during the presentation of evidence in court or conducting interviews with the clients. Hence, it is a given fact that a lawyer’s success in every litigation case that he handles is attributed to the impeccable research work and above reproach investigative skills his or her paralegal or a legal assistant.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Nursing Image Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Nursing Image Analysis - Essay Example In Strong Medicine there is the crew of the leading actors, from which only one character is a registered nurse. The other nurses that appear in this show are in supportive roles. Due to this fact, Peter Riggs is shown taking the active role in the proceedings, while the background actors playing nurses usually aren't the objects of the operator's attention. They are shown primarily to create the feeling of reality of the things that take place on the screen, as most of the audience knows that doctors don't spend most of their time with patients, and that there are other medical workers who satisfy minor patients' needs. In Strong Medicine the nurses on the background are usually shown engaged in their professional practice, while Peter Riggs, one of the leading characters is also depicted in various non-professional situations. In most cases it is a nurse, who provides the actual nursing care, but it sometimes happens that the doctors also do the nursing chores, such as providing physical, psychological and social comfort to the patients. In the episodes where both physicians and nurses act, the physicians seem to be in control of the situation, but it is also shown that the nurses understand the patients' need better than the physicians do.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Determinants of Plasma Retinol and Beta-Carotene Levels Statistics Project

Determinants of Plasma Retinol and Beta-Carotene Levels - Statistics Project Example The statistical analysis demonstrated that for this showed that sex was significant at the .000 level. Additionally, the research should that the strength of the connection was .045. Regarding the first hypotheses, the research showed conclusively that the null hypothesis could be rejected. As such, the research hypothesis -- Sex would not have the same impact on the occurrence of Plasma Retinol (ng/ml) levels as it does on Plasma beta-carotene (ng/ml) levels – was accepted. Regarding the second hypothesis, the research showed that the null hypothesis could not be rejected and that research hypothesis that a correlation exists between the occurrence of Plasma Retinol (ng/ml) and Plasma beta-carotene (ng/ml) in the body could be rejected. The first test that was carried out was a regression analysis. This regression analysis examined the correlation between sex and plasma Retinol (ng/ml) levels. As noted, this test demonstrated that there was a significant correlation between the two variables. The second test that was carried out was also a regression analysis. This test instead examined the connection between sex and plasma beta-carotene (ng/ml) in the body. This test demonstrated that there was not a significant connection between the variables. Finally, the third test that was carried out was an independent samples t-test. This test examined whether or not a correlation existed between plasma retinol (ng/ml) levels and Plasma beta-carotene (ng/ml). This research showed that a connection did not exist between these two

Friday, July 26, 2019

Insolvency law in United Kingdom Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Insolvency law in United Kingdom - Essay Example It should be noted that the international assistance for which provision is made by section 426(4) is limited not only in terms of the foreign countries from which requests for such assistance can be entertained, but also in terms of the authorities by which it may be requested and provided. The only form of assistance that can be obtained is on a 'court-to-court' basis: it is not open to an office holder appointed in foreign insolvency proceedings to make a direct, personal request for assistance to an English court, nor to any other person or authority, under the auspices of this statutory provision. Moreover, the ambit of the power to give assistance is narrowed still further, since it is expressed to be exercisable by 'the courts having jurisdiction in relation to insolvency law in any part of the United Kingdom', in response to requests for assistance submitted by 'the courts having the corresponding jurisdiction' in a country or territory which has been designated for this spec ific purpose. It is therefore necessary to determine which courts are qualified to participate in the process, a question whose resolution is partly dependent on the arrangements in force, in the United Kingdom and in the other country concerned, for the allocation of jurisdiction in relation to insolvency law. ... In most cases it is likely that a request for assistance will be addressed to the High Court, as the court endowed with a comprehensive jurisdiction covering both individual and corporate insolvency. However, it should be noted that where the debtor has a residential address, or carries on business, within a County Court insolvency district outside the London Insolvency District or (in the case of a company) has its registered office in such a district outside London, the County Court in question has a jurisdiction concurrent, and also co-extensive, with that of the High Court. In terms of speed, and also cost, there may sometimes be advantages in addressing a request for assistance to the appropriate County Court. (V. Markham Lester, 1995) A literal reading of subsection (4), taken in isolation, might therefore yield the conclusion that the English court has an unconditional duty to provide assistance to courts which meet the stated criteria rendering them eligible to request it. Such a conclusion would be premature however, because subsection (4) itself supplies no indication as to the nature of the assistance which the courts are required to provide. For this, it is necessary to refer to subsection (5), whose full provisions are as follows: For the purposes of subsection (4) a request made to a court in any part of the United Kingdom by a court in any other part of the United Kingdom or a relevant country or territory is authority for the court to which the request is made to apply, in relation to any matters specified in the request, the insolvency law which is applicable by either court in relation to comparable matters falling within its jurisdiction. In exercising its discretion under

Thursday, July 25, 2019

An Accounting Career Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

An Accounting Career - Research Paper Example It also looks at the salary scale, with emphasis on the average annual entry level salary as well as the salaries paid to persons who hold the CPA qualification in the state of Mississippi. Introduction Choosing a career is one of the most important decisions that a person will ever make in a lifetime. It is not uncommon for students to start college without any thought or knowledge of what it is that they would like to do as a career. This is so despite the number of career fairs that are held in high school and the resources available on the web and in school libraries. The most important aspects of the accounting profession are the skills required, duties performed and the salary it offers. These represent major considerations when making a decision on career choices. Skills Accounting is a very demanding career. Therefore, in addition to knowledge and qualifications the accountant is required to have a variety of skills. They include but are not limited to communication, presenta tion, information technology, analytical, computation, and critical thinking skills. Good communication skills are very important especially when a job function requires dealing with people at all levels inside and outside the organization. The accountant has to deal with the staff below the position held as well as those in authority. It is a reporting position so at all times reports of one kind or another have to be prepared. These have to be properly communicated both orally and in writing. According to Career Infonet (2011) active listening and speaking skills are required. Active listening involves giving total attention to what others are saying and taking time out to understand what is being said and asking the appropriate questions and interrupting only when appropriate (Career Infonet 2011). Information has to presented properly present so that others can understand. Information technology will also be required to aid in presentations to management as well as to input, pro cessing and summarizing information. In terms of presenting information accountants can use PowerPoint presentation. In terms of summarizing ability to use one or more accounting software packages as well as a spreadsheet is important. Accountants are required to analyze and evaluate accounting and other information. They need to be able to indicate reasons why figures change from one year to the other so that they can make proper recommendations on how to reduce expenses and so increase profitability. The ability to carry out basic computations is very important. All accountant jobs involve figures and there accuracy is key to becoming a good accountant. Critical thinking skills are very important. The accountant is required to use logic and reasoning in identifying the strengths and weakness that may arise from various alternatives relating to the solution of a problem. Duties Accountants perform a wide range of tasks some of which are specific to the profession and some of which are generalized work activities. Completing these tasks play a major role in getting a job done properly. According to Career Infonet (2011) the accounting specific tasks include advising clients in various areas such as compensation, health benefits, design of data processing systems as well as tax planning. They prepare tax computations as well as ensure that organizations that use their services or to which they are employed comply with the requirements of the tax authorities. Additionally, accountants develop, maintain and analyze budgets for clients with the use of information technology. They also prepare financial statements which indicate the financial position and financial performance of organizations including their as well as cash flow statements. Some general duties

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Retail Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Retail Marketing - Essay Example Today Waitrose is considered to be the sixth largest supermarket in the UK. It has a total of 241 branches, 18,000 stock lines and its grocery market share in the UK is estimated to be 4.3%. The retail business has fresh, quality, and safe products, quality customer service, and proper home delivery services. Through this, the grocery is known for its good reputation and image. The grocery has new and loyal customers (John Lewis Partnership, 2010). Waitrose is known to be a luxurious supermarket because of its provision of high quality goods and excellent services to the customers. The grocery’s employees have remained loyal hence, low turnover of staff. They are committed to meeting the various needs of customers. Through all this, the company has continued to thrive. The major competitors of Waitrose include, Tesco, ASDA, Sainsbury’s, and Morrison’s. The pricing of goods in Waitrose supermarket is higher compared to that of its competitors. International retail ing International retailing involves expansion of retail operations; concepts, management expertise, technology, and buying function beyond the domestic market. Retailers are faced with several operational challenges as they seek to expand their business beyond their borders. These challenges are; demand for products that are new and trendy, diversity and brands, retailers have to ensure their products remain exclusive. There is also increased competition, rapid globalization, E-commerce and complexity in terms of technology. The impact of these challenges increases as the rate of change accelerates and global markets become more volatile and turbulent. For survival in international markets, retail enterprises will have to embrace the new realities. Simpson and Thorpe’s PLIN Model is appropriate in the assessment of Waitrose international viability. In this model four main factors helps to differentiate Waitrose domestic market. These factors provide the basis to consider int ernational expansion as a possible growth strategy. They include product, lifestyle, image and niche, which are reflected in the various strategies adopted by Waitrose. Waitrose has segmented its products. In terms of lifestyle, Waitrose is considered a luxurious company dealing with quality and safe products. The image of the Waitrose is reflected in high price perception of the company, specialty in fresh and quality food products. Niche on the other hand is reflected through Waitrose specialization on fresh food products that are of high quality. Strategies of Waitrose Waitrose supermarket has specific strategies in place which help to attract more customers, expand its market share and increase its profits. These strategies are useful in the assessment of Waitrose international viability. They include; online shopping, home delivery service, specializing in products of wide range, maintaining the freshness and the quality of products, setting aside vital products that are low pr iced, better customer service and market segmentation. Waitrose has also introduced meaningful ideas which help in cost control and reduction. Its image and reputation has also been boosted by the grocery participation in corporate social responsibility (John Lewis partnership annual report, 2010). The value chain of Waitrose is important, Michael (1985) and Johnson et al (2005) highlights the basic activities of value chain. It includes the following; the first is inbound logistics. Leckford


QUALITATIVE STUDY OF REASONS FOR NON- PARTICIPATION IN REGULAR PHYSICAL RECREATION - Essay Example Therefore, it is vital to address this issue and comprehend the reasons why some women do not take part in leisureliness activities. The ‘qualitative’ study in this report deliberates the chief subjects or motives for non-partaking from women and likens these motives between matrimonial men and women. In the beginning this research, will provide a brief review of some previous research in this field mainly the reasons for not taking part in physical activity. In the second part, this research will provide a short description of the research method employed to collect data for quantitative research and lastly, it will illustrate and demonstrate the main reason for non-participation in physical recreation of married women and men. Literature Review There have been various studies concerning the subject of non-participation of married men and women in regular physical recreation. From various studies carried out earlier, a significant number of married men and women have li mited time to take part in regular physical activity because of various roles at hand. Time insufficiency according to research is the feeling that a person does not have adequate time to carry out all things that one would like to carry out. This has become one of the big complications that both men and women are encountering currently. Various researches have reported that time issues are the most regularly stated explanations or causes for not taking part in regular recreational activities (Thomsson, 2004). Lack of adequate time is also considered as the most limiting aspect to various individuals who desire to take part in a multiplicity of recreational activities, as well as for not using homegrown park and recreation services. Research shows that married women are at a greater disadvantage concerning time for regular recreation than men. This is because of various household responsibilities and family devotions compared to their male counterparts. Further studies have revealed that both working and unemployed married women have limited time for recreation activities than their has been emphasized by research that limited time because of family responsibilities was noted by women as a primary barriers in early and later family stages. In addition, lack of enough finances also causes lack of participation in regular recreational activities. Research shows that low income limits access to the resources and abilities necessary to take part in a range of recreation activities. This is because finance is positively related to participation in various sorts of leisure activities, as well as use of public park and recreation resources. For instance, the development of outdoor recreation has also been ascribed to an increase in the gross national product and individual incomes. Family magnitudes have reduced over the years and the fraction of married partners with children in the populace has minimized. Concurrently, the portion of ‘single-paren t’ families has increased; however, single-parent families characteristically have lesser earnings, a lesser amount of movement, and a lesser amount of free time than do two-parent families do (Torkildsen, 2007). Thus, single-parent families are expected to profit from outdoor recreation chances that are near to their homes. In addition, coming from unprivileged homes or lack of sources because of proceeds means that some married couples cannot take part in recreational acti

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Dell's Value Chain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dell's Value Chain - Essay Example It has allowed its suppliers to view their orders and the current of inventory at the company. This allows for planning and providing components that are only needed. Besides, the strategy helps the company avoid excessive costs of market promotion. While it has remained a policy of reducing operational costs, this has enabled the company to establish to order model. Additionally, the company continues to expand its model through allowing consumers to seek queries and make purchases on the web platform. Although this comes with an additional transportation cost, it has over time proved relatively cheaper. In the current market where forces of demand and ever-changing customer specification, the company has shifted to internet sales and direct engagement of the prospective clients. Through virtual space, the company has continued to expand its sales and attract specific clients who value choice. Moreover, the company has expanded this chain through the creation of tracking system. The web pages have been customized. This allows bigger suppliers and larger customers to keep monitoring their purchases and make new orders. Notably, by investing in web pages and internet supply chain, it has created a unique customer base in addition to its traditional consumers. Blending to order supply chain help in reducing long chains that are often costly, inconvenient and ineffective. The web-based chain remains a critical-order supply chain. †¨ To measure process performance, three elements are of great importance. The priority is responsiveness to customer’s demands and changing the competitive environment. The company has improved its operations efficiency by customizing its web pages; this has allowed large businesses to view existing inventory and make orders based on informed point of view (Kumar & Craig, 2007). In addition, the company has adopted customer order tracking system that enables it to assemble its products upon

Monday, July 22, 2019

Factories May Contaminate and Pollute Residential Areas Essay Example for Free

Factories May Contaminate and Pollute Residential Areas Essay There is a lot of harmful effects. I am totally disagree to this construction especially in the residential areas because it will bring the environmental pollution afterwards. There will be no such word as comfortable if our neighborhood is affected by pollutions. It is obvious that construction of factories will bring more disadvantages to the residential communities and should be stopped before it was too late. However, there are people that believe the construction will bring them benefit especially for those who plan the construction. They believe that factories are the opening door for job opportunities. In addition, its benefit will enhance family economy and improve national economy as well. This construction will get out the unemployed teenagers away from unhealthy tendency such as loitering. Indirectly, factories in residential areas will ease the employers in term of cost saving in transportation expenditure. Still, the construction will lead to environmental pollution. For example thermal pollution will lead to the increasing number of infectious disease-causing vectors since the river and air temperature is conducive to them. High temperature encourages the multiplying of vectors such as rats, mosquitoes, fleas and ticks. The spread of vectors such as mosquitoes can cause diseases such as malaria, dengue and yellow fever. Meanwhile, high rate production of rat also occurred. These animals could spread the disease such as Legionellosis Leptospirosis that spread through urine or feces. In addition, the construction of factories also affects our health. For example, air pollution leads to lung and circulatory system problems. Other than that, chemical pollution will take place. Chemical pollution leads to water source contamination. The contaminated water contains mercury and lead is very harmful to our health especially to our nerve system. Besides, noise pollution from factories also harmful especially to our hearing system. It could have a permanently or temporarily impacts to our eardrums. Noise from the constructions also distracts our focus and concentration in work especially for those that live near the constructions site. Children also have great difficulties to concentrate during their revision. So, these constructions should not be carried out. By only stopping the constructions, any negative impacts can be avoided. It was always true that prevention is better than cure. It will also ensure our neighborhood safe to live and can live in peace and security. Our future generation deserves better environment and we as the caretaker should inherited healthy and secure environment and living hood area. Bicycle Lane in Residential Area. Cycling can reduces pollution and protect the environment. However, the facility for the bicycle lane is very limited. Most of road projects forget to provide a special lane for bicycles include in my residential area. I hope the authorities can provide bicycle lanes for our comfortable and safety. In addition, cycling will be a safety and joyful activities for our leisure time. Bicycle lanes are very important for the safety of cyclists at any time. Even the children can ride in bicycle lane because it is safer than using the main road. Cyclists will feel securely comfortable if special lane for bicycle is provided. They can cycle anywhere they go especially for a short distance destination without worrying any unpredictable accident on roads. In addition, bicycle lanes will be safer area for cycling activities as a leisure activity in any time they want. Indirectly, cycling will improve their health. It also helps to strengthen relationship among them and enhance the sporting enthusiasm. Construction of these lanes will also be increasing the number of cyclists and plays major contribution of reducing the air and noise pollution. Furthermore, the construction of these lanes need little space beside the road and does not require high cost for authorities to build it. Besides, specific lanes for bicycle will not interfere with other vehicles such as cars and so on. Cyclists have their own lane and this will facilitate all road users. All road users can use their own space without worrying about cyclists that could interfere with them. The provider of specific lanes for cyclist also reduces the traffic jam. It is very obvious that the construction of bicycle lanes would be very beneficial. So, it is a great hope to see these lanes will be constructed so that all parties can use this facility for the fullest. As mentioned it is very important in term of safety and comfortably for all the road users. For cyclists especially in my residential area, this bicycle lane is a great needed. ope this bicycle lane will be provided in our residential area. How to get a driving license. Driving license is important to those who want to drive by their own without relying on others. When we reach the age of seventeen, is certainly of interest arise for self-drive vehicles and what we need is a driving license. There are several ways to get a driving license which such as registration with the legal driving institution attended t he test laws via computer and practical test authorized by Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalanraya (JPJ). In order to get a driving license, all these steps should be taken. Below are some descriptions of every step to get a driving license. Firstly, you need to register with the legal driving institution. Different institutions have different facility and payment. Make sure you ask the driving operators about the whole package that their offer and the total of payment. Currently, the payment to take a car’s driving license is between RM800 to RM950. However, you can reduce the cost such as refuse transportation facilities, reduce hours and pay their own study of L and P icense at the JPJ. You only confirm your registration if all of your circumstances are fulfilled. Next, you need to attend a computerize law examination. However, you need to attend the Driver Education Course for six hours. Then, after for at least three days, you can sit for the test. You need to score at least 42/50 marks to pass the exam. If you are fail, you need to reseat the exam until you pass to qualify f or Pre-L class. The charge for reseat the exam is RM50. 00. After you past the exam, you need to attend the Pre-L 3-hour theory and 3-hour of practical. Your attendance is compulsory to enable you to obtain a certificate-JPJL2B. This certificate enables you to learn the practical driving. Practical of driving training usually about 4 to 5 classes that needs 8 to 10 hours. Finally, you need to pass the practical test authorized by JPJ. This practical test can only be taken after you pass the pre-qualification. This exam is divided into two sections, carried out on the track and road. You must pass both sections to enable you to obtain a license-P. If you are fail, normally you will be charged RM100 RM200 including 1 or 2 classes to enable you to reseat the exam. But if you pass the exam, you will get your license-P in a week. Then you are free to drive on the road legally. In conclusion, you need to take all the steps discussed above to qualify you to have a legal driving license. There will be easier for you to drive without relying on others anytime and everywhere you want. The day you get your driving license will be an interesting beginning to gain experience of driving by your own on the road.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The World Largest Brand Name Apparel Marketers Marketing Essay

The World Largest Brand Name Apparel Marketers Marketing Essay Levis Strauss and Company is one of the world largest brand-name apparel marketers. Levis Strauss and Company is one of the successful Jeanswear shop in America States. The innovation of the rivets in the jeans differentiated Levis jeans from others because of its increased durability. (Levis) The Fast changes in consumer tastes, competition from both lower and higher-end brands, the fast development in the modern distribution and sales technology has brought about a continuing loss of market share. (Levi Strauss Co. Marketing Plan) Levis Strauss and company was established in 1873, Levis jeans are the original, authentic jeans. They are the most successful, widely recognized and often imitated clothing products clothing product in the history of apparel. Over successive generations, Levis jeans have captured the attention, imagination and loyalty of diverse individuals. (Levis) As the inventor of the category, the Levis brand continues to define jean wear with the widest range of products available, from quintessential class such as the famous Levis 501 Original jean, to favorite fits and styles in the Red Tab and premium collections. (Levis) 1.1 Mission To sustain responsible commercial success as a global marketing company of branded apparel. They must Balance goals of superior profitability and return in investment, leadership market positions and superior product and services. They will conduct their business ethically and demonstrate leadership in satisfying their responsibilities to their communication and to society. (Levi Strauss Co. Marketing Plan) 1.2 Vision Levis Strauss brands are filled with examples of the key role their value have played in meeting consumer needs. Four core values are at the heart of Levi Strauss Co Empathy, Originality, Integrity and Courage. These four values are linked. As Levis look at their history, a story of how Levis core values work together and are the source of their success. Likewise, Levis brands embody many of the core values that consumers live by. This is why Levis brands have stood the test of time. 2. Objective The objectives of Levis brand continues to define Jeanswear with the widest range of product available, from quintessential classics, such as the famous Levis Original jean, to favourite fits and styles in Red Tab and premium collections. Levis jeans have captured the attention, imagination, and loyalty of generations of diverse individuals. The brand has continues received critical acclaim from industry insiders. The brands profile is growing internationally. Levis Strauss and company next target focus to expand more in different city flagship store. To review Levis Jeanswear market situation of the global highlighting the competitive positions and branding strategies of the market. To identify the successful branding strategies Levis Jeanswear has employed to achieve its dominant market position. To evaluate on the effectiveness of Levis Jeanswear branding strategies in sustaining its sales performance. 3. Situation Analysis Situation analysis is a marketing term, and involves evaluating the situation and trends in particular companys market. Situation analysis is often called the three C, which refers to the three major elements that are Company, Customers, and Competition. Company Despite these reductions Levi Strauss Company had most of its early success because the firm was behaving monopolistically. The company patented the riveted jeans, increasing durability, and gaining popularity. Levis Strauss Co. maintained its corporate responsible image and progressive stance on social, labor, and environmental issues, which may have long run profit opportunities. Customers There is many Levis Jeanswear loyalty to maintain existing customers. Levis Jeanswear is the youthfulness of their brand jeans. The 501 product line and the Red Tab collection offer jeans that appeal to younger consumers competing with the high-end jean competitors. Competition Competitors successfully were able to take from Levis market due to heavy advertising and branding. Branding was especially effective for companies like Calvin Klein that targeted high-end consumers. Levis jeans may be physically the same as its competitor physically competitors, consumer preferences are affected by brand name. 3.1 SWOT analysis Levis opportunities and threats Levis Strauss, Levis Strauss Co. is one of the worlds largest brand-name apparel marketers with sales in more than 110 countries. There is no other company with a comparable global presence in the jeans and casual pants markets. Nowadays Levi Strauss develops technological higher production and coordination activities. In addition, Levi Strauss also develop new website is convenient for consumers shopping and also develop new products and services. The constant of threats is possible recession and people less likely to spend money on trend items and economic downturns in some countries. Bad economic is also an issue for Levis Strauss such as recession and the weakness of currency, people are likely to spend lesson trend items. Other than that, increasing competition from product of the higher end of the market and price wars with competitor. 3.2 Value chain analysis Support activities Primary activities Primary activities Inbound logistics: Inbound Logistics is the transportation planning in one of the major business processes. In order to achieve operational excellence, increase the merger, Levis Strauss plans common needs and external traffic inbound logistics, receiving their suppliers purchase. They stored goods production or assembly line needs. Goods may move around the organization. Operations: At this stage of product assembly or manufacturing. Self is co-produced fashion industry packaging. The design of the packaging represents the image of Levis Strauss. Outbound logistics: Collect, store and distribute the product to send along the supply chain to retailers in different countries. The retailers will send goods to outlets. Marketing and sales: The marketing communication strategies are the best ways to deliver message to consumers that Levis Strauss applied were advertising through the magazines, bill board and fashion show. Prepared to provide targeted, in order to meet consumer demand. Service: To fulfill consumers desirable, that are some things should have to concern on these; consumer always has clothes fitness problems, thus after sales service is important to exchange the size of Jeanswear or modify it. Other than that, to provide stuffs training how to service difference behavior of consumers and updating their Jeanswear information. Support activities Procurement: Levis Strauss needs of all the goods, services and materials procurement. This is because for the lowest possible price to buy the highest quality possible. This includes outsourcing that is usually done in-house business for the same from other companies and use of IT and networking technology to achieve procurement goals. Technology development: The innovation of technologies helps the Levis Strauss to sustain competitive advantage. Technology is an important of the competitive advantage. Human resources management: Levis Strauss is guided by a strong growth strategy in managing and developing its human resource capacity. Potential employees are evaluated in terms of their alignment to the companys winning characteristics which are directly linked to the Levis business strategies, mission and vision of integrity, courage, empathy and originality. Firm infrastructure: The formal systems of planning finance quality control, information management and the structures and routines that are part of an organizations culture. 3.3 PEST analysis The remote environment comprises factors that originate beyond and usually irrespective of, any single firms operating section: political, economic, social and technological factors. That environment presents firms with opportunities, threats, and constraints, but rarely does a single firm exert any meaningful reciprocal influence. Political factor: Political factor is very important to make sure the growth of the clothing industry in America States. With the peaceful environment, America States became one of the worlds attractive fashion destinations. (Easy club) Economic Factor: One of the main beneficiaries of the recession is the value clothing sector as consumers spend most on discretionary items with increased caution. According to Verdict forecasts, America States clothing spends in 2009 had declined 0.6%. However, estimation that value clothing sales will grow by 5.0%. Grocers are expected to make further gains in 2009 and increase their share of the value clothing market to 34.2%. In long term, the gains that grocers to be made will prove a further threat to value clothing specialists by improving store environments and fully exploiting multichannel capabilities. Social factor: Americans become more enjoy fashion nowadays; they will conservative and old-fashioned image of traditional shops. They prefer on those shops with a trendier image, such as Levis older and often affluent consumers remain fashion conscious. Technological factor: Levis have combined the four core technology are at the heart of Levis Strauss Co Empathy, Originality, Integrity and Courage, durable and easy to care for. However, further technology on textile with other characteristics will produce, such as cellulite-reducing hosiery or moisturizing properties. Prices are likely to increase as the result of these changes in the textile technology, therefore assisting in growing the value of the market. 3.4 Porters 5 Forces Industry Competitive: Jeanswear industry is characterized by small fashion 501, but there has been a recent trend towards consolidation and economies of scale. Businesses compete on price, quality, differentiation and relationship with key suppliers. However, there are not many players that establish a reputation for bringing style and innovation to the high street. Due to this Levis has the advantage of being a high streets retail phenomenon. Bargaining power of suppliers: Suppliers do not have much bargaining the fashion industry because their products and their commercial nature of the sales forces of developed markets. Can affect the garment industry from the original input price fluctuations, but the change is a global determinants of supply and demand, rather than the bargaining power of suppliers caused. Bargaining power of customers: The buyers power is significant in that buyers can force prices down, demand higher quality products or services, and, in essence, play competitors against one another, all resulting in potential loss of industry profits. Buyers exercise more power when they are large-volume buyers, the product is a significant aspect of the buyers costs or purchases, the products are standard within Jeanswear industry, there are few changing or switching costs, the buyers earn low profits, potential for backward integration of the buyer group exists, the Jeanswear is not essential to the buyers product, and the buyer has full disclosure about supply, demand, prices, and costs. (Reference for business) Threat of new entrants: New entrants can also expect a barrier in the form of government policy through federal and state regulations and licensing. New firms can expect retaliation from existing companies and also face changing barriers related to technology, strategic planning within the industry, and manpower and expertise problems. Threat of Substituted: The substitute product in fashion industry is low. Every individual needs to wear clothes in their daily activities to prevent cold and harmful to their skin. There is no substitute other than wear clothes. The only alternative is individual can make clothes their own but this alternative rarely happen. 3.5 Ansoff matrix Existing Product New Product Existing Market New Market In Ansoff Matrix, Levis Strauss is currently in position of market penetration as Levis Strauss intends to sell its existing markets to maintain or increase the market share of current product. This can be achieved by a combination of competitive pricing strategies, advertising, sales promotion and perhaps more resources dedicated to personal selling. Other than that, increase usage by existing customer by introducing loyalty schemes; the business is focusing on markets and product it knows well. It is likely to have good information on competitors and on customer needs. On the other hand, Levis Strauss also in different position of market development intends to sell its existing product into new markets in different countries. In this stage, Levis Strauss is facing medium-high risk in entering new market as there in many popular clothes retailer in the market. The issues of new geographical, product packaging, distribution channels and different pricing policies to attract different customer or create a new market segments that is Levi Strauss planning to enter must also take into consideration. Therefore, Levis Strauss takes risk segmentation into different countries. 3.6 Porters Generic Strategies Cost Differentiation Broad Narrow Levi Strauss is paining to employ differentiation strategy to make Levis Jeanswear to be more common, Levis Strauss provides Levis 501 Original Jeanswear for men, women, teens, and children. Since launching the campaign, worldwide sales of 501 jeans have increased substantially. Although it is encouraging to see the flagship 501 line growing again, these sales increases were not incremental. So everyone is a potential customer for Levis. Levis generally appeals to more mature generations not necessarily looking to make a fashion statement. Levis makes an effort to appeal to all customers in one way or another, which been a key to their success over the years. 4. Evaluation of Suitability The suitability of the strategic options is assessed based on their compatibility with the current competitive environment of the fashion industry, Levis own corporate vision and mission and how it would sustain or improve the competitive position of the organisation. Strategic Position Concept To understand Strategy must address PEST Key environmental Driver/ Changes in industry Structure The remote environment comprises factors that originate beyond and usually irrespective of, any single firms operating section: political, economic, social and technological factors. That environment presents firms with opportunities, threats, and constraints, but rarely does a single firm exert any meaningful reciprocal influence. Porters Five-Forces Industry attractiveness competitive forces Porters essential message is that where these five forces are high, then industries are not attractive to compete in. There will be too much competition and too much pressure to allow reasonable profits. Value Chain Opportunities for vertical integration or outsourcing A value chain describes the categories of activities within and around an organisation, how Levis create a product or services 4.1 Tows matrix Levis Strauss chosen because it demonstrates how a successful company experienced great difficulties in the early 1853, but then developed a strategy that resulted in an excellent market position in the late 2003. The TOWS Matrix shown will focus on the crucial period from late 1853 to early 2003. The external threats and opportunities pertain mostly to the situation Levis Strauss faced in the United States. Strengths (S) Brand name. Access to target market with over 300 stores nationwide. Finance and access to international capital. Distribution channels and global sourcing. Weakness (W) High costs of brand protection. Lack of control over quality. Lack of control over distribution. Distribution conflicts. Opportunities (O) Largest brand-name apparel marketers with sales in more than 110 countries. Technological development higher production and coordination activities. Develop new product and services. A new market on website shipping. SO-Strategies Increase sales and supply to different countries. (S1,O1) Build technological development higher production and new production and services in different 300 stores nationwide.(S2, O2, O3) Create channels and website shipping to global sourcing. WO-Strategies High costs of production brand in markets. (W1, O1) Lack of control in technological development production and distribution. (W2, W3, O2) Improve distributor services and website shipping benefits. (W4, O3, O4) Threats (T) Possible recession and people less likely to spend money on trend items. Competition from product of the higher end of the market. Economic downturns in some countries Price wars with competitors Increasing competition. ST Meet competitors advanced design of the market. (S1, S2, T2) Economic and finance are the keys of the issue. (S3, T1, T3) Globalization increasing competitor and price wars with competitors. (S4, T4, T5) WT Reduce threat of competition by developing flexible product line. (W1, W2, W3, T1, T2) 4.2 Direction for Growth Strategic option To summarises these point from earlier section and provides examples of reasons why strategy directions or might be regarded as suitable. Strategic Environment Capability Expectations Market penetration Levi Strauss intends to sell its existing markets to maintain or increase the market share of current product. Increase usage by existing customer by introducing loyalty schemes; the business is focusing on markets and product it knows well. It is likely to have good information on competitors and on customer needs. Market development Levi Strauss is facing medium-high risk in entering new market as there in many popular clothes retailer in the market. The issues of new geographical, product packaging, distribution channels and different pricing policies to attract different customer or create a new market segments that is Levi Strauss planning to enter must also take into consideration Levi Strauss intends to sell its existing product into new markets in different countries and takes risk segmentation into different countries. Differentiation Differentiation strategy to make Levis jean to be more common. Levi Strauss provides Levis 501 Original Jeanswear for men, women, teens, and children. So everyone is a potential customer for Levis. Levis generally appeals to more mature generations not necessarily looking to make a fashion statement. Levis makes an effort to appeal to all customers in one way or another, which been a key to their success over the years. Ranking strategic options Options are assessed against key factors relating to the strategic position of the organisation and a score or ranking established for each option. Key strategic factors Strategic option Family ownership Increased globalisation Low-price imports Increased of marketing Good of quality control Increased sales Ranking Market penetration O X O X O ? B Market development X O X O X O C Differentiation O X O O O O A O=favourable; X=unfavourable;? =uncertain or irrelevant. A=most suitable; B=possible; C=unsuitable. Evaluation of Acceptability The acceptability of the strategic options is assessed based on the stakeholders expectations. 5.1 Stakeholders Expectations The stakeholders of Levis Strauss are comprised of shareholders, management, employees, suppliers, contributors and the customers. The shareholders are likely to accept all the strategies as they have already witnessed Levis Strauss successful turnaround and regain of profitability. The management built up more positive steps in achieving its vision and mission these initiatives illustrate the progress Levis Strauss have made in building strong, collaborative relationships with their wholesale customers. To working closely with these customers and developing plans to ensure Levis brands continue to be broadly accessible to consumers despite continued retail door closures and bankruptcies in the United States. On the other hand, the employees may be very supportive of the differentiation strategy and market development business simplifying measures recommended. The suppliers and contributors would have learnt by now to live with Levis Strauss differentiation strategy and market development their operations to fit themselves into Jeanswear operating style. Levis customers are likely to welcome the Jeanswear innovation capabilities with the creation of a Global Market Development Centre at their owned-and-operated manufacturing plant in different courtiers. Strategy 1- Market Development Key stakeholders Rewards Risks Shareholders Higher profit, performance, clear direction. Unpredictable economics crisis. Managers Performance, targets, growth, bonus. Cultural problems. Employees Rates of pay, high employment rate. Job security, time period. Trade unions Working conditions, wages rate. Legal requirements. Customers More Levis Jeanswear available. Ethical products. Suppliers High demand of resources. Delivery problems. Government Taxation. Explicit Federal laws in certain countries. General public Jobs, involvement, shares Environmental issues Strategy 2-Differentation Key stakeholders Rewards Risks Shareholders Higher profit, performance, clear direction. Loss. Managers Performance, targets, growth, bonus. Time consume, sales volume. Employees Rates of pay. Job security. Trade unions Working conditions, minimum wages. Legal requirements. Customers More choices, better quality and customer care. Ethical products. Suppliers High demand of resources. Government Taxation. Legislation. General public Jobs, involvement, shares. Environmental issues. Feasibility The feasibility of the three strategic options is assessed based on the Levis Strauss current resources. Current Resources The actual resources required for the implementation of the three strategies are summarized in Table 4 under four categories: (1) product/service feasibility, (2) market feasibility, (3) organizational feasibility and (4) financial feasibility. Strategy 1- Market development Key resources Analysis Product/ Service feasibility Levi Strauss market development intends to sell its existing product into new markets in different countries. Levi Strauss must control their product and service quality, the patent strategy to maintain its brand reputation. Market feasibility The issues of new geographical, product packaging, distribution channels and different pricing policies to attract different customer or create a new market segments that is Levi Strauss planning to enter must also take into consideration. Organizational feasibility The brand and formula have to carefully designed and properly execute. Levis Strauss able to expand rapidly takes risk segmentation into different countries. Financial feasibility According to the Levis Strauss annual report 2009 that company sales and profit has increased, so there are no financial problems to support market develop strategy. . Strategy 2- Differentiation Key resources Analysis Product/ Service feasibility Levi Strauss provides Levis 501 Original Jeanswear for men, women, teens, and children. Since launching the campaign, worldwide sales of 501 jeans have increased substantially. market feasibility The flagship 501 line growing again, these sales increases were not incremental. So everyone is a potential customer for Levis. Levis generally appeals to more mature generations not necessarily looking to make a fashion statement. Organizational feasibility Levis generally appeals to more mature generations not necessarily looking to make a fashion statement. Levis makes an effort to appeal to all customers in one way or another, which been a key to their success over the years. Financial feasibility According to the Levis Strauss annual report 2009, the sales and profit of the company has increased, so there is no financial problem to support franchising strategy. However, the in-store advisor service is free of charge; Levis Strauss has to cover this expense from other sectors. Selection of One Strategic Option for Implementation The above evaluation data have indicated that in fact all the two strategic options are equally important and necessary for the future growth of Levis Strauss and should be implemented to the long term benefits of Levis Strauss. The complexity and risks in implementation of the two options are summarized in below. Strategic Option Implementation Requirements Complexity Risk (1) Market development Involves higher capital injection management ingenuity to implement in view of other competitors Hardest with higher risks (2) Differentiation Involves strong management will and resolve to implement. Changing staffs working attitudes and instituting a new Levis 501 Original Jeanswear for men, women, teens, and children. Launching the campaign, worldwide sales of 501 jeans have increased substantially would need a lot of patience and tact. Medium hard, needs management will and tact Naturally, among the two strategic options, the strategic option 2 should be selected as the first choice since it can be implemented quickly and getting faster results. Implementation From the evaluation above, Levis Strauss select differentiation strategy to achieve their vision and mission. Differentiation strategy helps Levis Strauss to expand further more different gender and different ages to wear Levis Jeanswear and establish the brand as a fashion authority in every city. The implementation strategy can describe in three sections, which is resources management, organizational structure and management of change. Key issues Analysis Resources management Resource management refers to the possibility under discussion is a factor. Levi Strauss has confirmed that the factor is the most likely way to work. Levi Strauss can use the budget or other performance management tools to study the effectiveness of differentiation strategy. Organizational structure In this stage Levis Strauss has to deal with issues regarding levels of hierarchy, together with structural form and style of management. Management of change Some management of Levis Strauss might not aware of the need for changes in strategy implementations. Thus Levis Strauss must review the speed, scope and style of the changes, in order to obtain full commitment to them. The company maintained profits by providing a wide range of products, capturing new markets and increasing its market shares. The company created barriers to entry by patents and trademarks, and by differentiating its product from generic jeans. However as more firms entered the market, the company started losing customers and incurring losses. The upstart companies captured niche market shares from Levi Levis s immense market domination. Despite this reduction of sales, Levi Strauss Co. maintained its corporate responsible image and progressive stance on social, labor, and environmental issues, which may have long long-run profit opportunities. Conclusion This report had analyzed the situation and the growth strategy of Jeanswear line of Levis Strauss. The evaluation of the suitability, acceptability and feasibility had examined on chosen options. The options are products and services development and differentiation strategy. The strategy chosen is differentiation strategy to achieve the mission and vision. The launch of differentiation strategy helps Levis Strauss to expand their business effectively and efficiently. By respond quickly to emerging trends, Levis Strauss has become a successful fashion retailer within the shortest possible lead times to carve out a reputation for its ability.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Analysis of Public Celebrity Apologies in America

Analysis of Public Celebrity Apologies in America Devin Black Julia TofantÃ… ¡uk Their circumstances and effects via analyzing specific cases Introduction Recently, I have become aware of a trend that has been sweeping across America – the celebrity apology, or precisely, the non-apology. I think I have always been aware of the constant apologies made by celebrities, but it has only been in the past year when I have actually paid attention to the words they were using to apologize, and under what circumstances they were apologizing. In fact, the exact moment when I became infatuated with the celebrity apology was when I was listening to a broadcast of the Opie and Anthony Radio Show in March 2014 and the hosts were discussing the numerous celebrity apologies that had been made during the previous week. Their discussion about celebrity apologies began to consume the show daily, until they officially established an â€Å"Apology Clock† on June 5, 2014 (Apology Clock, 2014). The experiment was to see if they could go ten days without a celebrity apology. The results showed that they could not, as there was at least one new apology a day and more often than not there were apologies from multiple celebrities. Their research ended unexpectedly one month later when one of the hosts became a victim of the celebrity apology. I will discuss more about this later in the paper. For the purposes of this paper, I will begin by defining the terms and scope the paper covers. Secondly, I will present some cases from a wide range of circumstances which celebrities apologized, and the results of their apology. Finally, I will discuss Americans’ reaction to the celebrity apology. Definitions According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, a celebrity is defined as â€Å"a person who is famous.† For this paper, the definition will be narrowed to only a person who is recognizable in North America and broadened to include corporations, as these are considered individuals under the law. An apology is defined as â€Å"an expression of regret for having done or said something wrong.† For this paper, we also need to consider the definition of a non-apology apology, which is defined as â€Å"a statement that has the form of an apology but does not express the expected contrition.† An example of a non-apology apology would be saying Im sorry that you feel that way to someone who has been offended by a statement. This apology does not admit that there was anything wrong with the remarks made, and additionally, it may be taken as insinuating that the person taking offense was excessively thin-skinned or irrational in taking offense at the remarks in the first place (Lazare, 2005). Case Studies of celebrity apologies and the results of the apology There are hundreds, if not thousands of examples of celebrity apologies. For this paper, the time frame of the case studies of celebrity apologies examined will begin in 1998, well after the advent of the Internet. This starting point was chosen because the Internet disseminates information almost effortlessly, therefore more people would be aware of the apologies given by celebrities. Furthermore, the case studies offered are examples of the wide range of circumstances under which a celebrity has had to apologize. There are countless more examples to choose from, but the following examples provide a general overview, so the scope has had to be narrowed. Case study 1: Bill Clinton apologizes for having an affair Indeed I did have a relationship with Miss Lewinsky that was not appropriate. In fact, it was wrong I misled people, including even my wife. I deeply regret that. On August 17, 1998, President Bill Clinton stood in the White House pressroom and apologized to the American people for having an affair with a White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. When the affair first became public, Bill Clinton denied having a sexual relationship with Ms. Lewinsky even though she offered circumstantial evidence to a Senate investigating committee. The news of this extra-marital affair and the resulting investigation eventually led to the impeachment of President Clinton in 1998 by the U.S. House of Representatives and his subsequent acquittal on all impeachment charges of perjury and obstruction of justice in a 21-day Senate trial (Posner, 2009). This apology most likely saved his presidency. His apology was emotional and appeared sincere. He was able to connect with Americans, while at the same time admitting he was wrong and asking for forgiveness (Bill Clinton apologizing for his affair with Monica Lewinsky, 2008). However, what makes the circumstances of this apology important is the fact that the political motivations of the Republican Party forced President Clinton into a position where he had to apologize. The results, politically, led to the rise of the Republican Party from 2000 to 2008, and an ever increasing motivation to use the personal affairs of politicians as a weapon in elections, and politics in general. Case study 2: Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction On February 1, 2004 during the half-time show of Super Bowl XXXVIII, Janet Jackson and Justin Timberlake were performing when suddenly Timberlake removed an article of Jackson’s clothing, revealing an exposed breast to a live television audience. This event has been termed Nipplegate by the media (Apologetic Jackson says costume reveal went awry, 2004). The next day Jackson apologized to the public â€Å"to anyone who was offended.† This is an example of the non-apology apology. There are several reasons why the circumstances surrounding this particular non-apology apology is important. First of all, a wardrobe malfunction is considered to be an accident, so the question remains why an apology was even necessary. Secondly, the American sensitivity to nudity is revealed to have a low threshold, while their sensitivity threshold to a violent sport, American football, is high. This means that Americans are more offended by nudity than violence. Finally, the results of this apology led to the Federal Communications Commission to impose higher fines and regulations concerning obscenity in broadcast media on public airwaves, which still continue today (Ahrens, 2006). Case study 3: Michael Richards â€Å"nigger† rant During a November 17, 2006 performance, Michael Richards, a stand-up comedian who became popular for the role of â€Å"Krammer† he played on the successful American sitcom Seinfeld, shouted a racially charged response to black hecklers in the audience, shouting Hes a nigger! several times and referring to lynching (Farhi, 2006). This is only one example of an apology or non-apology apology based on racism, religion, or sexual orientation. Other celebrities who have had to apologize for racist rants or, more importantly, opinions based on race; include Mel Gibson, Gary Oldman, and many others (Hare, 2014). However, what makes this apology most interesting is the public’s initial reaction and later action. Richards made a public apology on the Late Show with David Letterman, when Jerry Seinfeld was the guest, saying: For me to be at a comedy club and to flip out and say this crap, Im deeply, deeply sorry. Im not a racist, thats whats so insane about this. What happened next is surprising; the audience initially laughed during uncomfortable pauses in Richards explanation and apology, unable to decide if the interview was a comedy bit; at one point Seinfeld chided the audience, Stop laughing, its not funny. (CNN Newsroom, 2006) Later, Richards called civil rights leaders Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson to apologize. He also appeared as a guest on Jacksons syndicated radio show. This began a new trend in apologizing; the guilty party had to personally apologize to representatives of the groups who might be offended (Sharpton: Comedians apology not enough, 2006). Case study 4: Various corporate apologies Since corporations, as well as celebrities, are extremely vigilant when protecting their brand, it is no surprise that they find themselves in situations where they have to apologize. Most corporate apologies are sincere because they have directly affected the lives of individuals or the environment. However, many corporate apologies are non-apology apologies because the circumstances around which they have apologized usually involve trivial matters that would not normally offend the majority of the population. One example of a typical corporate non-apology apology involves Delta Airlines. During the 2014 World Cup competition in Brazil, Delta Airlines posted a message on Twitter congratulating the United States soccer team for their defeat over Ghana. In their message, they posted a picture the Statue of Liberty with the number 2 super-imposed over it and another picture of a giraffe with the number 1 super-imposed over it. These graphics symbolized both the country and the score of the game. The problem with this is that giraffes are not to be found in Ghana (Mendoza, 2014). Critics found the Twitter post to be â€Å"ignorant and offensive,† and some even considered the post racist. Delta Airlines felt they had to apologize the next day on their website saying the â€Å"tweet was both inaccurate and inappropriate† and that the company was â€Å"reviewing its procedures to ensure that future images and posts reflect both our values and our global focus. (Delta Air Lines Apologizes for Giraffe Gaffe, 2014) Case study 5: Celebrities who do not apologize There are many times when celebrities say or do things which people find offensive, and the public usually waits for an apology a few days after. However, some celebrities refuse to apologize. What makes these cases interesting is the effect their refusal to apologize has on their career. Two recent examples of this scenario involve Charles Barkley, a former NBA basketball player; and Anthony Cumia, a popular radio presenter. In the first scenario, Charles Barkley was commenting on his travels to different cities in the United States while he was an NBA player during a live television broadcast. During his narrative, he described women from San Antonio, Texas as being â€Å"big old women,† referring to their weight. When people from San Antonia demanded an apology, Barkley replied that he will apologize â€Å"when hell gonna (sic) freeze over. (Dater, 2014)† There was no negative fallout from his response. In fact, he continues to be a sports commentator and presenter today. Many believe that Barkley did not have to apologize because this behavior is what is expected from him. The story eventually left the news cycle and is practically forgotten. On the other hand, the situation is different for Anthony Cumia. Cumia was one half of the radio show Opie and Anthony, the same show that had the aforementioned â€Å"Apology Clock† experiment, which lasted from June 5 to July 4, 2014. During the show’s holiday break for Independence Day, Cumia was walking in Times Square, New York City late at night photographing the city lights. While he was taking one particular photograph, an African-American woman happened to walk in the frame of the picture. She heard the camera’s click and immediately began to accost Cumia, and she was joined by a group of African-American men. Later that evening while he was at home, he began posting the pictures and his comments on Twitter. Many of these comments were charged with emotion, and some of them were construed as being racist and violent towards women. The posts were noticed by a blogger, and the incident was reported in the mainstream press a couple of days later (Perex, 2014). Cumia refused to apologize. In fact, he appeared on various news programs to explain and defend himself. The only thing he admitted was that he should have â€Å"cooled down† before posting his experience on Twitter. His refusal to apologize lead to his firing from SiriusXM radio four days later (MacNeal, 2014). Americans’ response to and attitudes towards celebrity apologies Social Justice Warriors Currently, the trend in America is that celebrity apologies are increasing. This can be attributed to the importance of social media; not only Twitter and Face Book, but also public blogging sites that act as mainstream media, such as TMZ or The Huffington Post. These blogging sites have given rise to the â€Å"social justice warrior†. A â€Å"social justice warrior† is a blogger who uses social media to â€Å"fight for the rights of the minority, under-privileged, and under-represented (Internet Observation Project).† They actively seek out celebrities, generally white males, and search for things that they say or do which are considered offensive to the people they want to protect and then write about the circumstance. Their blogs are read by a few and then linked in Twitter, where the article is read by many. More often than not, the mainstream press will report on the story if the blog post has been shared enough times. There is much criticism towards the â€Å"social justice warrior.† Many believe that they are nothing more than gossip columnists who do not have the talent to write for established tabloids. Most â€Å"social justice warriors† earn money when people view their blog and/or click the advertisements posted on the site, so it is in their interest to write about controversial topics. Furthermore, â€Å"social justice warriors† do not have to answer questions about their sources, and usually hide themselves if there is an attack against them (Roosh, 2014). Backlash against celebrity apologies More recently, many people are starting to question why celebrities need to apologize, particularly for an unpopular opinion they may have voiced. An example of this backlash is when the actor Robin Williams committed suicide. After this tragedy, many celebrities voiced their opinions about suicide, and one celebrity who voiced unpopular opinions about suicide, the singer and author Henry Rollins, particularly received a lot of criticism (Joyce, 2014). This led to the question, â€Å"Do we now have to apologize for our opinions (Norton, 2014)?† Finally, the celebrity apology has become embedded in humor. A recent example, and one that defines how ridiculous the celebrity apology has become, is the Twitter #IAmSorry started by actor Shia LaBeouf, which celebrities now have to use when posting their apologies. He has stated that the celebrity apology has become â€Å"an art form now,† and should be instructed in every drama class (Hare, 2014). Conclusion The celebrity apology is more than a humiliating moment for an individual or a corporation. The reason why many Americans are obsessed with celebrity apologies is because maybe it is a reflection of American sensitivities. When they see someone apologizing, it makes them feel better, maybe even more perfect. Also, it may be easier for people to look at others’ shortcomings and mistakes instead of looking at their own. After completing my research, I noticed that their further investigation can be done. For example, it would be interesting to know if there has been a real increase in celebrity apologies recently, or if the publics’ backlash toward celebrity apologies has increased, which in turn makes it seem like there are more apologies. Also, a more quantitative analysis of celebrity apologies would reveal more about the phenomena. Finally, I wonder if the apology culture is only prevalent in the United States or is it common in other parts of the world. Works Cited (2006, November 21). Retrieved October 11, 2014, from CNN NEWSROOM: Ahrens, F. (2006, June 8). The Price for On-Air Indecency Goes Up. Retrieved October 11, 2014, from The Washington Post: Apologetic Jackson says costume reveal went awry. (2004, February 3). Retrieved October 2014, 11, from CNN: Apology Clock. (2014, July 4). Retrieved October 11, 2014, from OApedia: Bill Clinton apologizing for his affair with Monica Lewinsky. (2008, August 2). Retrieved October 11, 2014, from You Tube: Dater, J. (2014, May 11). Charles Barkley wont apologize for his comments about San Antonios women. Retrieved October 12, 2014, from SB Nation: Delta Air Lines Apologizes for Giraffe Gaffe. (18, June 2014). Retrieved October 12, 2014, from NBC News: Farhi, P. (2006, November 21). Seinfeld Comic Richards Apologizes for Racial Rant. Retrieved October 11, 2014, from The Washington Post : Hare, B. (2014, June 9). Celebrity apologies: The good, bad and uncomfortable. Retrieved October 11, 2014, from Time: Hare, B. (2014, June 9). Celebrity apologies: The good, bad and uncomfortable. Retrieved October 11, 2014, from CNN: Joyce, C. (2014, August 25). Henry Rollins Is Still Really Sorry for His Comments About Robin Williams Suicide. Retrieved October 11, 2014, from Spin Magazine: Lazare, A. (2005). On Apologies. Oxford University Press. MacNeal, C. (2014, July 13). Anthony Cumia Wont Apologize For Twitter Rant: It Wasnt Racist. Retrieved October 12, 2014, from Talking Points Memo: Mendoza, D. (2014, June 17). Deltas giraffe gaffe. Retrieved October 12, 2014, from CNN: Norton, J. (2014, August 27). It’s Time for Celebrities To Apologize—For All Their Apologizing. Retrieved October 11, 2014, from Time: Perex, C. (2014, July 4). Shock jock fired for racist Twitter rant. Retrieved October 12, 2014, from The New York Post: Posner, R. A. (2009). An Affair of State: The Investigation, Impeachment, and Trial of President Clinton. Harvard University Press. Roosh, V. (2014, October 6). What is a social justice warrior. Retrieved October 11, 2014, from Roosh: Sharpton: Comedians apology not enough. (2006, November 23). Retrieved October 2014, 2014, from CNN: Social Justice Warrior. Retrieved October 11, 2014, from Internet Observation Project:

Experiment Proving Carbohydrate Intake Delays Fatigue Essay -- Biology

The goal of this scientific study was to determine if the delayed onset of fatigue, as a result of consuming carbohydrates, was associated with stopping muscle glycogen depletion. Therefore, this web page is dedicated to presenting the important points of the study and to expand on those ideas in order to encompass a more general function of carbohydrates in our daily activities. The basic outline of the experiment consisted of a control group and an experimental group; both groups contained endurance-trained cyclists who had fasted beforehand. The cyclists were required to maintain a constant 70% aerobic workload while they cycled. The control group was given a sweet drink that did not suffice as an energy source; the drink contained aspartame (NutraSweet) which has no nutritional value. The other drink contained nutritionally useful carbohydrate that had an equally sweet flavor. Cyclists were not told which drink they were receiving. This was done to avoid biases (such as cycling harder with the carbohydrate drink to "please" the scientists) from entering the experiment and thus corrupting the data. Muscle biopsies to measure muscle glycogen were taken before excercise, after 2 and 3 hours of exercise, and at the time of fatigue (when the cyclists could no longer work at 70% of their aerobic capacity). Blood samples were also taken every twenty minutes and upon fatigue. These blood samples were used to quantitatively analyze the glucose levels in the blood at the various times. The results of this study were that carbohydrate feedings during prolonged exercise delayed fatigue by one hour. As seen by the results of the carbohydrate feeding during the bicyclists' extensive exercise, glycogen utilization is not spared in ... ... more study Another clinical study was also done with Carbo-Crunch Bars by Shaklee. Cyclists pedaling at an energetic pace for more than three hours received Carbo-Crunch Bars and water or water alone. The speed was then turned up to sprint pace. Those who had been drinking water and eating the Carbo-Crunch Bars were able to last 24 minutes while those participants who had received only water lasted for an average of 2 minutes. Results: These clinical studies of Shaklee products show that carbohydrates help to prolong the onset of fatigue to keep the athlete going. Carbohydrate products have become so popular that dogs can even receive Power Bones, a product offering dogs a burst of energy from glucose and endurance from carbohydrates. The regular intake of carbohydrates during exercise help to keep body-sugar levels steady and prolong the onset of fatigue.

Friday, July 19, 2019

We Need Stricter Laws for Drunk Driving (DUI) :: Argumentative, Persuasive Essays

Drunk driving is when an individual drives a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level over the legaly permited limit. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a major health problem in the United States as it accounts for a high number of road fatalities; hence, there is a need for stricter drunk driving rules in the United States in order to reduce drunken driving fatalities. There is a need for the introduction and implementation of new drunk driving laws by the legislature, because presently the united States drunk driving laws are too lenient. The continuous rate of drunken driving fatalities makes a case that the united States drunk driving laws are too lenient and makes a call for stricter laws. According to Valenti â€Å"countries with strict drunk driving penalties have a far lower incidence of accidents than the United States (1). The United States being a first world country is weak in enforcing strict punishment for drunk drivers. Valenti is emphasizing on the fact that the united States need to improve their present laws and be firm in enforcing these new laws. There is a need for the United States to improve on their severity of its drunk driving penalties just the way the other part of the world have done and this is giving them a reduced rate of drunk driving fatalities. The claim of the leniency of the United States drunk driv ing laws is further stated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), this is a prominent body when it comes to the issue of drunken driving fatalities. It claims that the drunken driving laws are severe enough. â€Å"Despite great strides in awareness, education and enforcement in the last two decades the United States still has one of the most lenient drunken driving standards in the world†. (NHTSA of existing laws. There is a need for stricter laws to be introduced as the United States ranks behind the world when it comes to effort to combat drunk driving and more efforts need to be put in place by the implementation of harsher laws so as to reduce the high rate of repeat offenders and first time offenders. The rate of repeat offenders is rising and the need to suppress this rate should be attended to immediately. Statistics supports the implementation of stricter rules, as the continual rate of the repeat offenders increases.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Binge Drinking on College Campuses

Alcohol on American campuses has become a serious issue.   According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, drinking among college students leads to about 1,400 deaths, 500,000 injuries and 600,000 assaults each year (Coin).In 2000, the total number of alcohol related deaths on college campuses was nearly 5,600, while in 1979 the total was more than 2,500 (McClintock), and the number of students who reported that they had driven while intoxicated rose from 2.3 million to 2.8 million (Hingson 260).   This statistic includes all college students, ages 18-24.   That means some of the people involved in these incidents were underage.   1 out of every 4 students drinks at a binge level (Simons 24).This reflects the direction that the youth of America, as a whole, has taken.   Part of the reason for this is that many college students do not know about the harmful effects of alcohol.   Although college drinking, historically, has been viewed by many as a rela tively innocent rite of passage, there is evidence that it is a rite that too often results in negative consequences for drinkers such as poor academic performance, public misconduct, and health problems.Binge drinking is defined as having five or more drinks for men, and for or more drinks for women (Jennison 660).   After putting these numbers in a blood alcohol estimator, the average male, about 165 lbs, would have a BAC of approximately .09.   This is legally intoxicated in all states.   These numbers were achieved using beer as the type of alcohol.   Had it been hard liquor, the number would have been higher.   At this level of intoxication, all motor skills and judgment are affected adversely, leading to bad decisions as well as the physical inability to handle oneself.The negative short term affects of excessive drinking are numerous.   Impaired vision, judgment, and speech are among the first and most obvious symptoms of drunkenness.   Also, nausea, vomiting, d ehydration, and headaches are among the most common symptoms the next day, commonly referred to as a â€Å"hang over.†The main problem with these short term affects is the impaired judgment and motor skills.   When people are drunk, they can get very emotional, and this often leads to physical altercations.   More than 600,000 students reported being assaulted by someone who was under the influence of alcohol and more than 500,000 reported being injured while intoxicated (Hingson 261).   It is a fact: people have trouble controlling both their words and their actions while they are drunk, and this often leads to injuring themselves or the people around them.There are also many long term affects.   Liver disease, brain damage, and ulcers are the most common among the many effects that slowly tear away at the human body (Jennison 672).   It can also lead to impotence in men, birthing problems in women, added risk of breast cancer, and muscle deterioration (Hingson 268 ).   These are all very serious problems, and for the most part, most college students have no clue about the long term consequences of their binge drinking (Donahue 20).Next, we must understand the reason students drink in college.   Much of the drinking occurs at parties and revolves around drinking games.   These are social games designed to bring different groups of people together, and the rules of participation ensure heavy drinking (Simons 24).   Various games include beer-pong, Beirut, F**k the dealer, asshole, and quarters, among others.The general rules in these games ensure that both winners and losers will drink, with the losers drinking dangerous amounts.   Most people engage in these games as a way to meet new people, while some get involved just to drink.   Another reason many males start these games is to get girls involved.They know that alcohol makes people make decisions they wouldn’t usually make and they hope this leads to the girls being easi er.   It is a fact that alcohol loosens ones inhibitions, so many new friends can be met in one night at a party by a typically shy person if he/she decides to drink.   Also, many students are pressured into drinking by friends, but as they have never drank alcohol before, they do not know their limits, and this is often what leads to the biggest problems.Many first time drinkers have wound up â€Å"passed out† somewhere due to involvement in drinking games (Simons 27).

Accounting for managerial decisions

Which of the following be related to the purchase of production equipment incurred by BBC go with during 2013 would be considered an set down (revenue expenditure)? B. Purchase harm of the equipment less the cash discount c. regenerate and maintenance costs during the equipments first category of service d. Transportation charges to deliver the equipment to BBC familiarity 4. Clear windowpane Cleaners purchased red-hot cleaning equipment at the parentage of 2013. The equipment has a cost of $37 000, an estimated life of quintuplet years, and an estimated residual value of $7 000.A profuse years derogation expense is to be enter in 2013. The equipment was used 20 000 hours during 2013 and 24 000 hours during 2014. The number of expected hours over cinque years is 100 000. Clear Window is comparing the straight-line and reducing-balance depreciation systems. Of these two methods, which method creates the larger expense and larger task nest egg 2013? A. Straight-line d epreciation creates the larger expense, succession reducing-balance depreciation creates the larger tax savings b. Straight-line depreciation creates both the larger expense and the larger tax paving c.Reducing-balance depreciation creates both the larger expense and the larger tax d. Reducing-balance depreciation creates the larger expense, date straight-line depreciation creates the larger tax savings 5. Current accounting standard SAAB 116 indicates that the costs of intangible assets with an indefinite life, such as goodwill, should a. Not be amortized, but should be reviewed annually for impairment b. Be inform on the statement of retained hire in the year in which acquired d. Be debited to an expense account entirely in the year in which acquired 6.The equipment had cost $45 000 and its accumulated depreciation nubed to $20 000 at the time of the sale. What are the net cause on the accounting equation of exchange the equipment? A. Assets and equity increase $30 000 b. A ssets drop and equity increases $5 000 d. Assets and equity descend $5 000 8. Wong purchased equipment at the beginning of July 2012 for $21 000. Wong clear-cut to depreciate the equipment over a atomic number 23 year period apply the straight-line method. Wong estimated the equipments residual value at $1 000. The estimated fair market value at the end of June 2013 was $20 000.Which of the following statements is mitigate concerning Wings financial statements at 30 June 2013? A. The carrying inwardness of the equipment is $16 000 b. The carrying amount of the equipment is $17 000 c. The heart and soul accumulated depreciation is $4 cc d. The equipment will be reported on the statement of financial position at it fair market value of $20 000 9. grub Zero purchased equipment at the beginning of July 2013 for $200 000. sugar Zero decided to depreciate the equipment over a five year period using the reducing-balance method. Chou Zero estimated the equipments residual value at 2 0 000.Which of the following statements is correct concerning Chou Zeros financial statements at 30 June 2014? A. The carrying amount of the equipment is $120 000 b. The carrying amount of the equipment is $80 000 c. The come up accumulated depreciation is $90 000 d. dispraise expense for 2013 is $72 000 10. The effect of arranging depreciation for the year is a. A pass in assets and a decrease in radical extensive income c. An increase in assets and an increase in total comprehensive income d. A decrease in total comprehensive income and no change in assets

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Medea’s situation Essay

Dogan people in the city who didnt believe Cassandra because she was an bring outsider. In this play itwas learned that some(prenominal)times the most insightful people be the outsiders because they are not blinded by the normal activities of the principal(prenominal) characters.Another minor character that foretells the future is Medeas nurse in The Medea. The flirt with has a contrastive situation than Cassandra. She is more than familiar with Meadea and her children and knows of their daily activities. She begins to contain insight on Medeas situation when Medea starts to pay heed a change in her relationships between Jason and her children. She startle foretells the murder of Medeas children, who were indeed murdered merely by Medea herself. In the very beginning of the story, the Nurse talks almost Medeas dwindling approve for Jason.But now theres aversion everywhere, Love is diseased.(Greene, Lattimore, Euripides I, 59)With her wonder for Jason waning, she begins to think slight and less of her children because they remind her of him.She has turned from the children and does not see them./I am afraid she may think of some dreadful thing,/For her heart is violent. (Greene, Lattimore, Euripides I, 60)With her heart violent, she doesnt think anymore of the children except to carry out her evil plan which is to kill Creusa. Another summons that shows the deterioration of Jasons and Medeas relationship is the conference that the Nurse and the Tutor were having.And will Jason put up with it that his children/Should suffer so, though hes no friend to their mother? (Greene, Lattimore,Dogan 4Euripides I, 61)The Nurse is wake her concern here when she asks about what would Jason do about his children since hes not in love with Medea anymore. Towards the end, it is subtly made known that Jason only wanted the children as heirs to the throne that he did not dramatise because Medea killed Creusa. The Nurse may not have foreshadowed as much as Cass andra did, but she gave the reader an conception of what was going to happen to the children.In conclusion, minor characters do have some meaning plot-wise. They are not blinded by the everyday life of the main characters allowing them to see the obvious without the help from others. Without them, the story would be mainly about two or more parties and their actions minus the suspense that the minor character gives the reader. (947) plant CitedGreene, David and Lattimore, Richard, eds. Aeschylus I. The University of Chicago. 1953.